
Five Habits that Ruin Smiles

We all have habits, both good and yet also bad too. However, there are a few that damage the smile that you have. Enamel is super strong, but that doesn’t mean it’s totally not something that can withstand everything, and there are some habits which can damage your teeth to a whole new level. This article will discuss these habits that will damage it, and a few solutions. The first, is chewing ice. We’ve done it once or twice before at some point of our lives, or maybe a whole lot more but ice actually can truly damage the structure of your teeth, and create a lot of strain. That’s because it’s hard, and the extreme temperatures make the enamel sensitive, and that’s when small fractures do develop, and they can become deeper cracks. Those that have large fillings are susceptible to this, since the tooth might break away, and it even might split in half. The solution to this is simple, and instead, just have it to cool drinks, not to crunch on. Sodas and sports drinks ...